National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute

The NABP-II was prepared under the sSWG on Agro-biodiversity with inputs from five technical working groups and under the overall guidance and coordination of NAFRI.

The NABP-II document explains the agro-biodiversity in a global, regional and Lao context and describes in detail the Lao agro-biodiversity of the crops, livestock, fish, NTFP, etc. Further, it defines six farming/ABD systems: a) Paddy, b) Integrated, c) Upland, d) Forest, e) Large Scale, f) and wetland) and under each of these headings the NABP-II outlines the agro-biodiversity resources, eco-system services, trends, threats, and opportunities.

The NABP-II goal is: Improved conservation, management and utilization of agro-biodiversity in Lao PDR and the Log-frame consists of 3 Outcomes, 12 outputs, 42 activities, 200 sub-activities

The draft budget: USD 20 million incl. GoL contribution and the expected implementing partners will MAF, MoNRE, MOST and MoH,

The Document was approved by MAF on 10 February 2017.

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